Registered Office of the Owner and Operator of the E-shop:
Národní obrany 718/22 16000 Praha 6, Bubeneč, Czech Republic
Incorporated in the Companies Register kept with the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Inset 129326
Company Number: 25919229
VAT Reg. Number: CZ25919229
Persons in Authority:
Jiří BARTOŇ (Company Executive)
Vladimír NOVÁK (Company Executive)
NOTE: The aforementioned address is the place where the registered office is located, NOT THE SHOP. For that reason it is not possible to do shopping or to collect any goods there. This is possible only in our showroom and shop. All POSTAL CORRESPONDENCE (including shipments with goods returned for any reason) should be directed to the address of our showroom and shop where our complaints department is also located.
Our Showroom and Shop: You can find the goods from all the E-shops run by our company (ARMYSHOP.CZ, BRANDIT.CZ, SURPLUS.CZ, CARINTHIASHOP.COM) at this address:
Slavíkov-Studýnka 160
54931 HRONOV
Czech Republic
Hours: Mo-Fri 08:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.(out of these hours by mutual arrangement only)
You can contact us at any time in the following ways:
1) EMAIL: Použijte, prosím, náš CONTACT FORM
800 255 552 (placing orders)
(+420) 491 482 386 (+420) 491 481 703 (+420) 605 212 781 (+420) 702 042 533 (+420) 603 555 614
We are available on our telephone line every working day (Mo - Fri) from 08:00 a.m. to 04:00 p.m.
3) FAX: (+420) 491 481 704
4) Skype: ARMYSHOP.CZ, ICQ: 308-938-195
Bank Details:
Komerční banka: 78-8840050277/0100 |
Raiffeisenbank: 8840050277/5500 |
ČSOB: 215649106/0300 |
PayPal (platby v Kč) PayPal (platby v Euro)
ARMYSHOP.CZ, s.r.o Slavíkov-Studýnka 160 54931 Hronov ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA
Approximate Distances:
Approx. 50 km north-east of Hradec Králové
Approx. 8 km of Náchod
Your navigation may have problems with finding us when you enter our address. For that reason it is better for you to enter the following GPS coordinates:
N 50° 27.889', E 16° 09.838' [50° 27' 53.34" N, 16° 09' 50.28" E]
